Parents and Families

For Parents and Families 

Parenting in this day and age presents unique challenges than ever before – screens, social media, your child having greater access to information outside of your control. These are among a few of the complicated factors to consider as you guide your child’s social, emotional and academic growth.

We offer a range of services to support parents, given the important role you play in your child’s life. We get it and we got you!

Parenting Sessions

We use a compassionate, reflective approach that focuses primarily on improving the quality of the relationship between you and your child. We collaborate with you to understand your parenting values and style, then come up with therapeutic goals to help you navigate in the direction you want to go in your family. Parenting sessions can be provided along side your child or teen’s therapy sessions, or on their own. Sessions can focus on:

  • Building awareness of your parenting values
  • Increasing understanding what triggers your reactions to your child/children
  • Learning about various areas of your child’s development and how this is impacting their current functioning
  • Improving communication and consistency in the coparenting relationship
  • Learning effective strategies to build a solid bond with your children and improve troubling behaviors

We don’t assume to know better than you about how to parent your child. We are here to support you, honor your individual differences, and build on your strengths to help your family.

Family Therapy

Family therapy is a type of intervention designed to help with issues that specifically affect families' mental health and functioning. It can help individual family members build stronger relationships, improve communication, and manage conflicts within the family system. By improving how family members interact and relate to one another, family therapy can foster change in close relationships. Some of the primary goals of family therapy are to:

  • create a better home environment
  • solve family issues
  • understand the unique issues that a family might face

Parenting Support Groups

This form of support is in development. Stay tunes for our future offerings.